15 Hilarious Signs That Will Tickle a Golfer’s Funny Bone

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Golf is a game full of surprises, both on and off the green. The sport can be pretty baffling, but the same can be said about sign boards around the area, which are often in a league of their own! Here are 15 signs so bizarre you won’t believe they are real.

The Nut Attacks

Image Source: Ranker

Reading this might make anyone take a second look due to its double meaning. It’s a playful warning about mischievous squirrels, and it also serves as a more serious reminder to use restroom facilities instead of relieving oneself outdoors. The good news is that we’re confident it does the job well of informing people.

A No Cart Zone

Image Source: Clubhouse

We don’t typically see green courses near a runway, so this sign is beneficial. It appears unusual or sounds like a prank at a glance, but one can bet this is for safety purposes. Park that cart elsewhere and walk if you still want to get that ball.

Golf In Progress 

Image Source: Clubhouse

Imagine this: It’s a sunny weekend, and everyone has their comfy fits on and clubs out. What do you expect? For one, balls are moving from left to right and vice versa. This signage is indeed humorous but one that tells you to be careful.

Toilet Stance Humor

Image Source: Clubhouse

Staring down a urinal, the last thing you expect to see is a golf tip. But there it was. Golfers are notorious for obsessing over their swing, even in the most unlikely places. This country club has a curious way of acknowledging a man’s compulsion to improve constantly.

Fair Ball Warning 

Image Source: Clubhouse

It’s hard not to crack a smile at this sign. Clearly, the course has a recurring issue with golfers stockpiling balls. The way they’ve addressed the problem is both direct and humorous. If you ever find yourself on these fairways, keep a close eye on your golf balls—and surroundings.

The Hole From Hell

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You’ll see this one if you are on a course that shares a green space with a rather large, furry neighborhood. There’s a major chance these animals won’t “moo-ve” upon command. So, Golfers should aim high, not only for the green but also for the well-being of the cow population.

Choose Your Next Move

Image Source: Clubhouse

The red and white warning sign perfectly captures the golfer’s dilemma. It’s a subtle pressure point for club selection. Overcooked it by 15 yards? You either caught a lucky break or need a gym membership overhaul. On the bright side, a well-placed sod will save you $200.

Not Here Please

Image Source: Ranker

Here’s another sign: we’re glad that’s up. Some folks are too dense about doing the right thing, and it needs to be shoved right in their faces first. Perhaps they’re having too much fun driving those balls that they held the call of nature until it’s too late. 

It’s Gotta Be Worth It; You Paid For It

Image Source: Ranker

Torture yourself under the blistering sun, dressed in uncomfortable attire, while swinging wildly at a tiny white ball. All for the privilege of spending a little fortune and unleashing a sailor’s vocabulary. Golf: where masochism meets overpriced frustration. Yet, we keep coming back for more!

Easy on the Swearing

Image Source: Clubhouse

Golfers are the undisputed masters of expletives, so we’re not surprised the establishment placed this reminder. After each errant drive, a symphony of swear words erupts, a poetic mention of human exasperation. The colorful language often matches their equally vibrant pants, but moderation is key.

Not a Golf War

Veteran Golfers Association/Facebook

From the looks of it, this isn’t an average country club pastime anymore! Picture wild swings, shattered clubs, and a 19th-hole bar tab that could rival a small country’s GDP. It’s a contact sport disguised as a leisurely game. The putters will indeed be put to the test.

Lick at Your Own Risk

Image Source: Ranker

Golf balls might resemble sugary treats, but don’t be fooled. One lick of the pesticide-coated sphere and one’s tongue will beg for mercy. Best believe it’s a recipe for disaster and a guaranteed source of amusement for your playing partners. 

Operation Pitchmark Repair

Image Source: Clubhouse

Those innocent-looking pitch marks on the green are putt-wrecking saboteurs. It’s time for divot duty! Don a pair of gardening gloves and grab a repair tool. We’re in for some high-stakes landscaping. There’s no time for tulips here—it’s all about flattening those craters and saving par.

No Slowpokes Here

Image Source: Ranker

We usually see these in a school or animal crossing, but never in a course. This makes us wonder why they put it up in the first place. Maybe a herd of players was taking too long and caused an annoying traffic scene!

Golf Is A Game Where The Ball Lies Poorly, And The Golfers Lie Well


Golf is a game of precision and honesty, or so they say. This sign playfully underscores the game’s inherent challenges, from tricky lies that can leave golfers scratching their heads to the occasional bending of the rules when it comes to scoring.

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